
By Zaza

Look a little closer...

We decided to go for a casual stroll up a hill to get a beautiful view on a beautiful day (and help make space for an 8 course tasting menu later today...just a little bit excited!!). Neither of us had packed suitable footwear so I was in suede boots and the other half was in his slippery black loafers. We passed a few people in full hiking gear which always amuses me.
At the top of the first mound we found this cairn. I took a closer look to inspect what all the little black dots were only to discover the cairn should be better known as 'spider den'! I Hate spiders but couldn't resist getting a quick snap of these busy mountain explorers. It was only with the iPhone so not well focused.
I then suddenly freaked out that I was covered in spiders and spent the next ten minutes rubbing my hair and asking the husband to do spider checks everywhere!
Ps you may need to zoom
Pps I don't know where the rebel on the far left is going, only spotted him later, there were no other rocks to attach to, it was only this pile! He's probably attached to my head and still in my hair. Yuck.

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