Short Stroll

We chose the Liesbos woods for a short stroll.  You can see AW not really posing.

A short-ish night, but for the first time in 20 years (yup, no exaggeration), I did not stay up.  Doesn't mean it will stay this way.  At this point, nothing is sure yet.

More work on the mandala plate ... it's progressing much faster than I had anticipated.  It's the most challenging one I've had so far.  Of course, as usual, will post it when it's done.  In the meantime, the Mindfulness MOOC is practically done except for the final project.  I know what my proposal is going to be about.  It should be ready by tomorrow.  Will post a portion of it here.  The whole thing is too long, but I might over-summarize, so we'll see.

Fairer weather but very, very cold in the early morning and later at night.  As long as it doesn't turn wet, no problem.

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