Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


I know, a very M shot, I do love blipping in the frost.  I can't pretend today's was the first this winter, it was white here yesterday but I just didn't get out of bed in time!

Anyway, I made up for that this morning, leaving the house when it was still dark and walking into town to have a recce for shots I might take there later this month.  After that I did one and a half circuits of the reserve and watched the sun rise.  Gorgeous it was - or would have been if there hadn't been quite so many fellow photographers flashing their long lenses about the place.  Don't get me wrong, they can be lovely, just very distracting, especially when you're hanging out for a Cetti's warbler!

The rest of the day has been pretty peaceful, if ironing and being glued to the news is your version of peace  ;-/

Have a great weekend, all  xx

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