
By Spikesonaroll


Took camera to work with landscape lens and CPL filter ... Still baffled ! Went to local park for a stroll at lunchtime.  Reckon I am getting the hang of macro and wildlife...landscape whole new ball game ! Need to go on a photo course...next project.

T working [home carer] 4 days straight from tomorrow. Not easy, no pay for travel time, no petrol or expenses either, we are fortunate I have a reasonable income as a back up. If this was your only income [and is for thousands]..Jeez.

N had another maths exam last one next Monday.

Going to try and get out with the camera tomorrow...Thinking of trying a long exposure shot of the sea..

Looking for small Christmas cake recipe..Must bake this weekend.

Secret Santa app being sorted by eldest ...keeps costs and silliness of Christmas in check.

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