Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I managed to get out for a walk today. Work and life in general have been getting in the way of good things but it was sunny even if it was cold so I went for it.

Had a lot of people throwing silly stuff at me today. Right up until the end of the day. Crazy busy. What was that about retirement?

Biden seems to be in the ascendant and Trump seems to be making a complete fool of himself. The Republicans need to give him his party bag and tell him it’s time to go home. But I have a theory he is addicted after four years of rampant ego stroking; he won’t fade gracefully away but will turn himself into an out and out cult figure with millions of gullible followers that will forgive him anything. 

Only one place to go after being leader of the free world if you are a mad narcissist: set yourself up as a god. 

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