
By strawhouse


One of the reasons I decided not to go to Norfolk with Mr K and the Little Misses was to make the most of an empty house to have a big clear out and tidy up. 
I was determined to get lots done so they didn't come back and think I'd been just sitting around all weekend.
What a busy day!
I tidied, hoovered, mopped, filled bags for the tip, cleaned the microwave, sorted cupboards, cleaned out the goldfish, 
And every hour or so I'd have a sit down with a cup of tea and list a couple of things on eBay. It's £1 listing weekend which makes a massive difference.
I even cleaned the top of the fridge which hasn't really been touched for four years. Cake tins, sorted, out of date medicines binned, firelighters put in the shed! Random metal racks and plastic panels binned.
And Mr K's bottles of whisky dusted, photographed and sent to him asking does he want them or not. 
That was a big fat yes!!
I also filled two boxes with books to send to Sell-it-Back. It's so addictive scanning books to see what they're worth. £32 pounds worth!!
At about 3pm I thought I'd go to drop the books off at the drop off point at the garage, take the stuff to the dump, go to Pets At Home for a pump for the fishtank, and go to Tescos for some milk.
Easier said than done!
My route was all planned to take annoying one way systems into account.
I went to the dump first which was fine. No queue. Then I to the pet shop and got the pump, and while I was there I popped next door to Aldi to stock up on Christmas marzipan and packing tape for the boxes.
So far so good. 
Next I taped up the boxes, attached the labels and went to the garage to drop off the books. Having carried the two 10kg boxes in, the man told me their scanner was broken and I should come back in the morning "because the scanner only really works in the morning"
As I was putting the boxes back into the car I noticed that I'd forgotten to dump the broken air purifier thing so it was back to the dump with me. Messing up my route!
I checked to see if there was another drop off point for the books and there was so I went round the one way system again and ended up at a random corner shop I've never been to before. 
Boxes dropped off it was to Tesco's for milk and then home to drink tea, hoover and mop the floors.
I kept going until it was time for the Strictly results and then I collapsed on the sofa in an exhausted heap.
It's hard work all this tidying!!

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