
By momcat1

Checking out the menu at the breakfast buffet

This Am just before I had to start work this gorgeous  ( and huge therefore probably female) redtail that has been hanging around the area stopped by to check out what was around for breakfast. It stopped by the feeders first, but since they are mostly after mammals not birds we think it was hoping for either a squirrel  or one of the chipmunks. Since they all took off ,as did the birds, it took off and landed on the wires in front of the house. Nothing interesting appeared ( all of the chipmunks wisely stayed hidden) so it took off after about 15 min for greener pastures.  Ie: the neighbor's yard(  who doesn't mow his back yard because it is over an acre and he has a push mower ) which  probably has a lot more voles and bunnies than we do hiding in it . 

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