Last hurrah

There hardly seems much point in commenting on the deficiencies of this government. Even the FT - which I took to reading at the start of the first lockdown for its boring, fact-based news - calls this cabinet the worst in living memory: it's a ragtag bunch of Brexiteers and Johnson supporters who rarely put a foot right. 

So it seems a little pointless to criticise their incompetence in dealing with the pandemic: literally, what did anyone expect? Thus, we belatedly blunder into our second lockdown, which is absolutely right tactically as a measure of last resort to enable the NHS to cope whilst pointless strategically. Ho and indeed hum.

I doubt people will get behind this lockdown the way they did with the first and, with schools staying open, any parents of children in education are still, de facto, exposed to loads of other households, even while we can't see the ones we'd choose to. I guess the real material difference is that pubs and restaurants are closed.

In recognition of this turn of events, I met up with Hugo, this evening, for a couple of beers at The Royal Barn, where we spent a small amount of time lamenting the state of the nation before moving onto more interesting matters such as the evergreen topic of music that we love.

-9.6 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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