
By Mindseye

On Golden Pond

We slept well........but were awake pretty early, for us anyhow. It felt chilly, so clicked the heating on, but the day morphed into another lovely bright sunshiney autumn day.

After breakast, I went for the paper and a couple of bits, took a longer route home, to at least get a few thousand steps in, as hub wasnt feeling it. Took todays blip of the little duck pond, which was preserved when our estate was built.....I always think it looks quite a pretty spot.

After our mid morning coffee, hub decided to clean the car, whilst I did some cutting back, tidying and sweeping up of leaves, again, in the front garden. We had a quick catch up with our new neighbours to be, they had a house full of contractors again...but are hopefully moving in in a couple of weeks time.

Homemade chicken and vegetable soup for lunch, together with a small chicken sandwich. The rest of the afternoon has been taken up with cleaning the insides of the new windows, the ceiling fan in our bedroom, prepping dinner, which will be gammon, fresh pineapple, jacket potato, with either egg or baked beans, not sure yet.

Its now almost 4.30 and still quite light.. :-) looking forward to SCD later, not sure who will go.... maybe Jason??!

Hope youre all coping ok with the lockdown, stay safe.

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