Strike that. Reverse it!


Glorious Day!

Dare I say it but it feels like Spring has sprung! Was such a lovely day today.

Mr F and I went out last night so was a late night which meant a lazy morning. It looked so overcast this morning so we didnt think it would matter too much. We then left it too late to go anywhere. So all plans of a trip to the coast or the zoo had gone out the window. Thought about soft play but the boys have several soft play days arranged this week.

Finally we decided to go down to Pugneys and Sandal Castle. We spent a couple of hours at least walking through the mud. The boys enjoyed it and declared they want to go back tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be nicely worn out tonight too.

I had far too many blips to choose from but decided on this one in the end.

After all the walking we decided it had to be fish and chips for tea. There goes the healthy eating again! :0) It was yet another great day.

Not looking forward to go back to work tomorrow. If only I didnt have training then I could have had the whole week off! Oh well, never mind just a day to get through and then I can relax again.

Hope you've all had a great Monday xxx

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