
What a treat - went out to meet Trev & C (i.e. one other household) at the Depot for brunch. I had intended to go on to the allotment afterwards, equipping myself with both keys and a fresh suet block for the little blighters, until I stepped out of the door and discovered it was raining steadily. Never mind, it wasn't raining inside the Depot. We had a fine blether (what a novelty!) and a huge brunch. More meat than I've eaten in at least a week. At least I remembered to take a blip before we had to mask up again!

I came back via Constitution St, so have included an extra of the diggings there for the academic interest of friend in 'ull. Finished the marking (for now) - the last one was very hard work indeed. Had a nice Zoom with said digger later. He's discovered that he has a local LidL - things are looking up!

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