A White Night

I fell asleep at 09.00 this morning, just as AW was getting up.  Told him I didn't want to sleep all day, so could he please shake me awake at 11.00, which he dutifully did.  And I got up, too, tempting as it was to doze off for another hour.  And did I watch television the whole night?  No.  Even I was surprised, because now that the US elections are done, I should have been hungry for news.

No windmill-hunting today as I did not trust myself behind the wheel after only two hours of sleep.  The weather was glorious, though.  This was shot around 07.00, from my study, before I started getting sleepy.  It's the tree across the road with the sunrise splashed onto the leaves.

Submitted my Mindfulness project proposal today, worked on my current colour plate, and finally caught up with the news somewhere in the afternoon.

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