Windmill 'De Hoop', Sprundel

'De Hoop' = sounds like and means 'The Hope'.

AW went with me today for this photo shoot.  He drove on the way there, I drove returning home.  Cloudless weather, as you can see.

MOOCkless, but not quite as there's one that began at the same time as the Mindfulness course.  I finally have time to start on it, but I'll do that on Monday.  It's on the (drumroll ...) EU and some of the crises it's currently facing, plus how they're resolving these issues.  Housework and my current mandala colour plate the rest of the day, which I capped with a small glass of gin tonic.  That is actually the drink that had me hooked from the age of 17 or thereabouts.  Treading carefully on the alcoholic waters as I'm enjoying it a lot.

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