Mono Monday, Bleeding Lines

Sorry if this gives you eyestrain! On a damp grey day I was busy in the house and didn't consider blip until it was getting too dark to consider blip, if you see what I mean. 

This is a semi-manual and semi post-processing zoom burst of the pedestrian footbridge over the railway line that runs though the village. It's not the prettiest bridge, but it's a lot safer than walking on the pavement over the bridge!

On either side, it's now being clad in crash barriers... makes the middle of the village look ever more like a motorway - which is generally what motorists must think it is as they hurtle through the village.

Fun to watch (but not engage with) the wailing and gnashing of teeth online, as those who hold poor values begin to find they are once more being pushed under the rocks they were previously hiding beneath.

Also interesting but less fun, the people who think everything is now sorted and we can go back to normal. One election and one possible vaccine isn't going to do that either.

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