Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Zoom! - not that one but a zoom burst.

Dawn,  and a new day, new week.  
That is about as dynamic as it got.  Looked out to see if there was a dawn worth making an effort for but there did not seem to be much developing so stood out on my roof deck and took this.  The day looked a  bit dull and miserable but actually turned out better than expected.  It was very warm and as a bonus Mum's Care Home rang to say they would be re-starting garden visits.  I asked if I could come along today and had an appointment at 1.30 p.m.  Extra precaution - had to wear a plastic visor as well as a mask, sit at least 6ft apart etc.
I have never worn a visor before but it just steamed up continually.  When I looked at the carers their's were virtually clear.  I had rushed down a bowl of hot soup before the appointment so it must have been that.  Mum's hearing aids misplaced today so it was not very easy for her to hear me and I could hardly see her!  Little bit of a shame but we had a laugh.  The base is down for the shelter they will be constructing.  It looks quite large and will have a perspex screen so I think we may be ok to dispense with mask etc.  Hope so.  Mum looked really well.  Although the hairdresser has not been allowed to continue her visits Mum's hair is always clean and although uncut I think for the whole time since lock down it looks fine.  She is always wearing her own clothes.  I cannot fault this home - they have always been ahead of all the precautions and had no covid cases at all.  It is a small home in a converted large house with only 16 residents.  Difficult to imagine what it has been like for this length of time to be gowned and masked up while trying to carry out their duties and this applies to every one else who is similarly attired.

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