Into the Cuillins

Long walk into Camasunary Bay from Elgol today. A bit of a treacherous path (up to my ankles in mud!) not helped by a heavy downpour of rain. Worth it for the views though. Must be one of the most spectacular walks in Britain. Went into the bothy at Camasunary and out of the window spotted an otter fishing by the shore.
We did intend to walk on to  Loch Coruisk, but it involved crossing quite a deep  river with very slippery stones and so I bottled out. Watched the otter for a bit longer instead. The bay is beautiful but massively undermined by the amount of rubbish which has accumulated there, washed in from the sea. We did our bit to tidy some of it but it will take a massive operation to clear it completely. So sad (see extras). 10 miles walked in total and so deserved our lovely meal at the Cuillin Hills hotel.

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