
By Madchickenwoman


Lovely walk along the  River Lynher near us this am with The Exile and Ginger. Ginger got an early bath as she spotted something by the bank and after watching intently for several minutes she began to inch her way down - until she slipped and fell in! Second time she has swum in her life! Oscar was most anxious! She clambered out eventually! We then walked up a steep hill to Cadsonbury Hillfort, one of only 150 in the country it is a univalette ( single circuit of ramparts). We had nearly reached the top and Oscar and Ginger had had a fast paced  chase as we climbed, when I spotted freshcow pats! The Exile had a very frightening experience being chased in France by cows so she suggested we went down immediately! A shame as the view would have been great!!

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