Joe's Blips

By joesblips

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Spent the day in Dublin today at meetings in the headquarters of the SIPTU Trade Union. They had approached myself and my fellow Supervisors on the programme to see if we might not sign up as members and today they held the first national meeting of Unionised Supers. I wasn't a member when I went in. I was when I came out. We are being squeezed all over the place and loaded with more and more work for no extra pay. We badly need the Union to work on our behalf with the Government Department which is ultimately our employer.

The meetings were held on the top floor of Liberty Hall which at 15 floors was for many years the tallest building in Ireland. This is a low rise society!! Glad to have made it up there and to have grabbed a blip because there is a rumour that it will be pulled down soon and rebuilt in its entirety.

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