Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

The best of times

I was out and about taking photographs and videos of the town centre for a presentation for  Remembrance Day, when I happened upon this gentleman walking along the High Street. He had a military bearing about him, and when I asked whether he had served, his back seemed to straighten and he proudly stated "Grenadier Guards, 2nd Battalion".

He even remembered his service number and stated it without hesitation.

I took a chance and asked if he would mind posing at the Memorial in our town - and he kindly accepted.

He said the highlight of his military career was grabbing the 9 year old Prince Charles by the collar and escorting him back to Buckingham Palace when he'd tried to do a runner through the gates! What a terrific story!

He never saw action - but he remembered his military service with great affection. "They were the best days of my life - ended by Profumo, the ignorant bugger. I'd go back tomorrow if I could".

It's a theme that I've heard elsewhere. I did an interview with a lady (sadly passed on now) who was in the WAAF during World War 2. She told me "It was the most exciting time of my life, and the best time. We all bonded together and stood together in a time of great darkness and fear. And yes, we were scared and there were terrible things to deal with. But I never felt more alive than back then".

She ended her story on a rather depressing note. "I felt safer going out and about during the blackout than I do going to my local shops in the evening."

One sometimes wonders if we deserved their sacrifices.

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