
Dreadful morning. But I survived the colonoscopia examination alive.

It was so awful already in the morning, as I had been drinking the cleaner liquids and my guts started to cramp and my head ached so shockingly. All side symptoms which of dangerous hyponatremic condition. I called for help already, but did not leave to hospital yet. I thought , that afterall I still am conscious... In the end I just continued to soak empty my cramping guts and went to the doctor in the morning feeling like half head rat.

The examination was even more horrible experience. Three painkillers given to me and a fourth fast-acting during endoscopy. It was pure hell and I admit that I shouted aloud a lot, asked more medication, realizing that does not help for some reason.

Most painful experience that I can remember. Ever.
The doctor should be happy, as I'm so kind that I didn't kick his head out. If this kind of endoscopy have to be done again sometimes, then it will be done in anesthesia..!

Slept all day, a day off from work. Slowly started eating sometjing soft and easy.

In the evening my son called, that his girlfriend had taken in to ER because of a sudden and unexpected life threatening allergy symptoms.

After an hour in hospital she started to write messages from there, getting better, getting breathe almost normally already. We drove our second car for our son, if he should pick her from the hospital during the night. On the way we visited in ER and brought her some necessaries.

Everything is better now with her, but a more examinations will be done, so later in the evening we heard that she has to stay in hospital overnight.

And all day thick fog, looks like dementors of Harry Potter -movies were around us!


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