Flying V

A morning grafting with the WoL volunteer crew - path brushing and scraping mostly, along towards the weir at Redbraes.  I was accosted by a passer-by on the path who said he'd been listening to one of my albums yesterday! Turned out he'd seen me do a spot-ette in support of young Simpson a few years back, but quite surprised that he recognised me in such different circumstances.

Thought about blipping the heron who was standing watching (the water, not us!) but just saw seizetheday's cracking shot and decided to go instead for the skein of geese who flew overhead. They were headed south, and quite high up, but I could still hear faint honking.

There was also some new (to me) graffitti on the wall opposite - see extra. I think it says "Life is as dark as they created it as light as we make it." Discuss.

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