
By mollyblobs

The joy of rotting wood

I missed the gloriously foggy morning, as I was on taxi duty, bringing Chris back from the garage after his car went in for a repair. The rest of the day settled into autumnal gloom, though it was surprisingly and worryingly mild for mid-November, and I didn't need a coat on my afternoon walk.

I parked at Thorpe Wood and walked from there through to Ferry Meadows. A large rotting trunk near the path was covered with a whitish fungus (yet to be identified) and when I went to examine it more closely I found a good sized patch of these deep red-brown slime mould fruiting bodies. I think they're Arcyria denudata, a supposedly widespread species but not one I'd seen before. 

When I put the image up on the computer screen I realised that there were at least two other tiny cup fungi present - the greyish Mollisia cinerea and some tiny translucent yellowish ones which I think are Orbilia leucostigma. A whole complex community contained in a couple of square metres of damp, rotting timber...

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