Blue Skies smilin' at me . . .

nothin but blue skies do I see . . .

So good to wake up to a blue sky and sunshine.  I wore a dress to celebrate.  Exercise class at the pool, coffee and catch up with Annabelle, buying designer lettuces at the garden centre and a stop at this country gift shop to buy my favourite hand and body cream.  There is a planting of wildflowers behind the sheep which could be a Flower Friday blip.  One punnet of lettuces is called Drunken Woman.  I kid you not.  I had to buy it being a Gin drinker.  To quote the label: Chosen for consistent performance in the home garden.  A striking lettuce with bright green leaves with frilly edges that are tipped with a bright bronze-red colour.  Slow to bolt.  I am slow to bolt after two or more glasses. 
Further to the camera battery saga.  I looked online for a Fuji battery and it costs more than the plane ticket home.  I have ordered another brand which is compatible but  a lot cheaper.  I will get a Fuji one but just not now.  

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