More Christmas Goodies.

Looked after Mia for a little while this morning.  This was so Alexandra could go and get Isabella's school uniform, and then take her to Kindy.

Alexandra was back by 8.30 a.m.  After they left, I only had a little while before I had to go out for an appointment.

I was going to a skin clinic at a place called Paradise Point, to get my skin checked out.

I got there early so, I had a walk around the shopping centre.  Very nice it is too and extremely quiet.

These Nutcrackers were outside a florist's shop.

I had my skin checked.  The growth on my forehead the Doctor was worried about, turned out to be a wart,  and I don't have any skin cancers.

They can remove the wart by laser, but I'm not sure if I'm, keen on that.  So I might see if there's a more natural method to get rid of it.

In the meantime, I must stop kissing toads!!

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