Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Tuesday — Stagecoach Park

Tucked into the northwest corner of our City is a park with western a theme. The park is bordered on a couple sides by the City of Norco (which means north Corona) and Norco is like a frontier town and claims to be “Horse Capital of the World,” which is bunk.

But the planners from our city acknowledged their theme and built the park to resemble the old west. The park benches in my photo reveal that theme.

Since leaving the coast on Saturday morning, we had gone 3-days without walking the pups. It’s easy here not to walk; there is no harbor with interesting boats. So midday, Mitzi started jumping up on me as I was sitting at my desk doing some paperwork. Awhile later Chloe did the same thing. They had just been fed so I knew they were not hungry. They wanted to go walking.

So we headed to Stagecoach Park and walked the big lap around the park. That’s about all Mitzi can do. She’s an old lady and walking wears her out quickly. Chloe (pictured here) could probably walk a second lap; she’s a lean machine and always is in high gear.

After we returned home, I gathered my thoughts made a shopping list, and headed out to do the grocery shopping. I left the house at 3:00 to go shopping. First, I went to Smart & Final because years ago they used to sell a kitchen towel that was made from “potato sack” material; they were pure white and very absorbent. I could not find any there but I did find a bunch of other items to fill my cart. I paid for my items; then got out to my car and put the cold stuff in the little ice chest I keep in my vehicle. Then I continued on to the Staters Brothers grocery store where an hour evaporated instantly, and arrived home slightly after 5:00.

I was tired and shopping was not much fun. When I was a young bride, I loved to grocery shop. I’d make a two week menu for evening meals and then create an itemized shopping list of everything needed to create those meals, and all the other meals, and all the household supplies needed. I used the store ads to itemize the prices and make sure I was within budget, and then I would head out to accomplish the task. I paid with cash and could not go over my limit.

Back then I was a good housewife; I don’t think I am anymore, but that’s what happens after being employed for approximately 37 years and after the first seven going to college for six years. Now I make a sketchy list, never a menu, put more than one impulse item in the cart, and pay with my credit card (which I pay off at the end of the month). Times have changed.

And that was my Tuesday! Which I refer to as Saturday #2 because retirement is six Saturdays and a Sunday.

From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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