Brash Aussie migrant

The marketing of the apartment has become much more difficult to pretend it's not happening. Today the photographer came, the agent brought in all her colleagues (sort of peer review). And the place has lost some of what has made it our home. Has to be done. We can't continue in an apartment.

Mid afternoon S and I went to visit daughter C in Swanson (one of Auckland's western suburbs), and Young L sent her a text to say he was walking home from the railway station. I went to meet him and on the way was sidetracked by a magpie which went right up to a carload of people. When they saw me with my camera, they wanted to know if I'd seen how close it had been to them, and had I got a photo of that. 

It hopped about all over the green expanse of the reserve, and that was when I got better shots of it.

My niece came from Hamilton to Auckland partly for work, and partly to attend a Drag Queen show (she is close friends with a couple of the regulars). S would have gone too, but there has been an announcement today of a new community case in central Auckland  and she (and I) thought it had become an unnecessary risk. It does seem as though the Public Health service is taking all the necessary actions.

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