Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A moment of calm.

Various factors built up to make the morning quite stressful.  I stuck to my resolve and headed outside for my lunch break.  I sat in a little shelter in the community garden, reminising on the last time I sat there, my birthday.  The first outdoor lunch of the year.  I could never have imagined how much the world would change in less than a fortnight!

I had brought the DSLR with me so with my final 5 minutes I set off to take some photos.  I decided to limit my search to one flowerbed as there was so much I could have photographed.  I considered bunking off for the afternoon to just take photos but someone would have missed me. 

From all the autumnal photos I took, I was drawn to the teasel by the curls in the picture.  My mum used a teasel in the garden once for a photograph of birds.  I believe they can become quite invasive!

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