Aaaand relax.

That was a long one.

I'd been summoned to McDonald's HQ for a summit on carbon footprinting today and it's always nice to visit new places. On reflection, three hours sleep and the 07:05 train from Stroud was a bit of a silly way to prepare but I'm bloody glad we got lots and lots done.
Feeling very positive about the project and it was a pleasure to catch-up and ping lots of notions off the peers.
Days like this are why I love my job; clever folks, good ideas, extremely intelligent conversation and some proper big work to be done within a looming deadline date.

Comfort zones are nowt. It's great to step out and go fucking hard.

Anyway, this was my (empty!) first class (!) carriage on the way home after a splendid 16 hour day. As always with a day like that, I'm now not tired. Quite what I'll think tomorrow - after being summoned again (despite being on holiday this week) to set the basis for a £250k odour control/ energy-saving project in Hereford - is anyone's guess.

Fuck it, I'm having fun. And that's what counts.

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