Another day than expected.
Thank you for wishing my good luck at the doctor`s today, crossing your fingers that my yearly check up should go well. I didn`t come there. The online booking system at the doctor`s office had collapsed and double bookings had been made. I got the message this morning when I was ready to go. Thing for me, not to let myself decide to be frustrated was to make a new plan for the day. Started with following a Swedish TV channel`s half an hour morning gym. Got warm enough for another morning shower. Then advertising the "all terrain" pram for sale (Blip). The grandchildren don`t need it. Then I had a walk in the woods to a cabin where I bought a bottle of dark none alcoholic beer and waffle with strawberries (Extra). Had to wear a mask to be allowed inside. Took it off when I sat down. 14206 steps, 11.3 km today. New check up time at the doc`s in 11 days. Mrs B has been walking more steps than me with her friends in the woods today. She invited me to go shopping with her tonight. She has invited guests tomorrow.
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