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This little titmouse bird was doing it's own little stand up routine while it tried to figure me out as I snapped away with my camera. It would act like it was taking some seed and then quickly look my way as if to say 'I didn't do a thing'...then go back to the seed. Each time it would fly away and come back it would look my way again.
My grandchildren were looking with me at the birds coming and going but unfortunately they would get a little too excited when the birds would land on the feeder and jump up pointing and yelling 'grammie, there's a bird!!'...which of course would scare the bird away. Even after explaining we had to be quiet and 'hide' from the birds so they would stay still and not fly away, they could not contain their excitement. I finally had to turn on the TV to get them interested in something else so I could get a good blip.
A short time later I was sitting with my grandson on the couch and he curled up on my lap and fell asleep. I was pinned. No way I could move him and slip away with my back still not doing that great. This would not have been the worst thing if the TV wasn't on the Cartoon Network and the remote control not within reach. I felt like I was being torchered! Four episodes in a row of some horrible cartoon called Johnny Test!! Thank goodness after an hour and a half my husband came home and I did a few 'psssst, psssst, psssst' till he heard me and came in the room. I motioned to the remote control and he handed it to me. Whew!!!! Finally...quiet!!

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