La vida de Annie

By Annie

Cala Galdana.

New State of Alarm day 18.
A trip to the garden centre today during which I resisted the urge to buy poinsettias - that joy is to be deferred till December, assuming all the non-essential shops aren't closed by then, as cases are rising here again.
Afterwards we took Buster and Minnie2 to Cala Galdana for a run on the beach, which was deserted except for a couple of walkers who looked askance at the masks we put on as they approached, maskless. OK, I know we were in the open air, but does the virus know that it's not allowed there? The dogs had a whale of a time on the sand, and Minnie2 kept running into the sea, which is very shallow for a few metres except for the hidden hole she splashed into up to her eyelashes. That at least stopped her chasing seagulls which were about her size and could have skinned her for dinner in seconds. Not having many tourists to cadge chips from all year, I guess they've learned to forage in the wild...
The car is full of sand again.

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