Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

Clean as you Go - Well I try

Clean as you Go - Well I try. Back at the beginning of November (the 2nd Actually) Sue and I went Sloe Berry Picking. To say it was muddy would be an understatement. Consequently when we got back home our snow boots were in a heck of a state. Now having spent 10 years in a food factory involved with the implementation of a 'Clean as you go policy' I normally continue to do this. I could not clean them on the day we 'took them off' and it was my intension to do it the next day. HayHo, Procrastination set in. It's not as if I did not see them EVERY day as they were in the lobby just outside my workshop, so no excuse. Nearly two weeks down the line I fell over them one too many times and decided they needed cleaning. Before anyone thinks that Sue's kitchen sink is a mess, fear not its the sink in my workshop :)

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