
By Cygnus


This beautiful fern is what caught my eye in a photo of the rushing Crawford’s Burn.

I had a walk with my pal Rosie and we stopped for coffee before driving home. The ground was so churned-up muddy that I hung my leg over the edge of a picnic bench to keep my foot out of the goo. Lo! A robin perched on the toe of my boot! Rosie and I were tickled pink, but I was afraid to search in my bag for my phone to take a photo as I was afraid to chase the robin away. So we just watched it, mesmerised by its little black eyes.

In other news today, we got a new chest freezer. It’s a lot bigger than we expected (even though we’d measured out the space in the garage for it). No1 peanut reckons we’re all set for the apocalypse now.

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