George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


Oh, I did hurt!

Here's what happened.

THEY did go out - and we was soooo excited when they did come back.  We always is.  And I belted into the garage, and somehow my back claw gotted caught in a rotten rug, and it hurt me ever so much.  I did scream with pain, and she did pick me up with the rug, and they couldn't get the claw out. 

And then she got a sharp blade, and I can tell you I went as pale as pale can be, because I thought she was going to cut my paw off.

But she didn't, she cut the nasty rug away instead, and magically everything was all right again.

Except I felt a bit sad and sorry, so I crawled under the curtain, and had a nap, and she did find me and went, awwww poor Harry, and she did call HIM to come and have a look, and then she gotted her camera out and took a picture before I could say Jack Robinson. 

Because no matter what happens in this household, someone always gets a camera out and takes a picture.

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