
I keep in contact with my friends from my Service Days, we meet up for a beer, at reunions or at commemorations but these are the guys I see regularly.
The ‘Thursday Gang’, the guys, friends, that make match day at the rugby club possible. Not just us of course, there are others who work as hard on match day but we are the gentlemen of a certain age who do the work every week.
Those that follow my ‘Blips’ will have seen the recent posts regarding the defibrillator installation, the charity that supplied it requested a photograph showing it after the installation was completed and here it is.
Lockdown #2 has meant no Saturday meet ups at the club to watch televised matches or just for a beer, they are on hold, so Thursdays, as volunteers, are all that is currently permitted. A coffee and a chat, normally about all things rugby, will have to suffice for the time being.

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