
By Nigel

Chinese Collection Waterfall

Just about nailed it I think. It was brighter than I had hoped for today so the exposure couldn't be as long as I wanted. I used a Red Filter (+3 stops) and a Light Neutral Density (+1/3rd stop) and a normal Neutral Density (+1 stop) to get an exposure of 2 secs and then did another exposure at 4 secs and blended them together to get some extra fuzziness in the water. After that it was more digital copper/blue split toning, and if anyone out there knows how to buy copper sulphate I would appreciate it as I want to try this on real prints and I have the blue but not the copper toner. I suspect that copper sulphate is cheaper than copper toner but don't know where to buy a chemistry set from.

Spotify is proving fun, especially as I have a Minidisc player attached to the digital out from my soundcard and if I want I can have as much of it as I want at a reasonable quality but have resisted it so far.

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