Casket etc

In the afternoon I picked up my step-mom as we had some errands to run. We walked into a small funeral home to order some service from there.

A casket out of spruce and white linings costs 640euros, a good and reasonable choice, I think. My father's corpse has already been brought from the dementia ward into refrigerator of local Hatanpää hospital. That was 335euros. We decided that he can wear his normal clothes, good trousers and ligjt blue shirt, so no special wardrobe needed anymore for the funeral. Next move of the corpse will be moving into the casket and then the combination to cemetery refrigerator. That will make 190euros. I am not sure yet when will this happen excaclty.

Some white flowers needed on his casket too and a bouquet of 7 big and 12 small roses for my step-mom to be given to my dad as final salute. They had had seven years of good marriage before my dad got the Alzheimer's for the rest 12years together.

After these orders in funeral home we made a deal of writing his name and dates of birth and death on the gravestone. The carving of the stone is ideal to be done only in summer time, as the cemetery does not take in any gravestones during the winter. Logistics and carving the stone will make some 1000euros maybe.

Later we went shopping and bought some graveyard candles for the funeral, to be left to the grave afterwards. And we bought a tall wooden outdoor lantern with thick candles for my step-mom. She wants to lit the lantern to light her backyard. A memorial candle, I think, not to be so lonely then...
We had a long chat together. Discussed about the moment of my father's death. It was so special as he clearly heard my words. My step-mom felt it very special too.



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