Today we went to the park

Went to Fairmilehead Park. Met our friend Fiona. It was really nice for the humans because they haven't seen each other for about 2 months so they had a good catch up. Played with my ball but I got tired very quickly. Went for a walk through the woods. I had to keep lying down for a little rest because running after my ball had exhausted me.

This evening Ann's friend, Susi (her support bubble) came round for dinner. The menu was; salmon with a garlic, parmesan and parsley crust..................... Mmmmmm................... not one of Ann's better culinary achievements................. You don't even want to know how the garlic, parmesan and parsley crust turned out??!! Needless to say it went in the bin before it even made it on to the top of the salmon Lol! …..................The humans ended up having salmon with a bit of parmesan cheese grated on top, new potatoes, asparagus and tender stem broccoli. It was still very yummy. I know because I got the left overs.

And that's it for today peeps.

Toodles. xxxxxxx

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