Trawsnewid ysbrydoledig

Trawsnewid ysbrydoledig ~ Inspirational transformation

"We have enough clothing on the planet right now to clothe the next six generations of the human race.  We have to find ways of using what we’ve got"
—Patrick Grant, ']The Great British Sewing Bee', BBC

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Ar ôl i ni wylio 'The Great British Sewing Bee', cafodd Nor'dzin ei hysbrydoli i drawsnewid dwy siwmper (pethau na wisgodd hi erioed) i siaced neu gardigan. Roedd un siwmper yn llwydd a gwyrdd gyda phatrwm ac roedd yr arall yn goch gyda phwyth cebl. Torrodd hi'r ddau ac yn ymuno nhw gan weithio'r cebl i yn y patrwm. Gwnïodd hi hefyd coler a band coch gyda botymau i lawr fe. Nawr mae gyda hi ddilledyn y bydd hi'n ei wisgo'n aml.

Rydyn ni nawr wedi mynd trwy ein cypyrddau dillad i ffeindio mwy o ddillad ein bod ni'n gallu trawsnewid. Pethau na wisgon ni erioed yn gallu dod yn rhywbeth newydd.

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After we watched 'The Great British Sewing Bee', Nor'dzin was inspired to transform two jumpers (things she never wore) into a jacket or cardigan. One jumper was green and grey with a pattern and the other was red with cable stitching. She cut the two and joined them working the cable into the pattern. She also sewed a red collar and band with buttons down. Now she has a garment that she will wear often.

We've now gone through our wardrobes to find more clothes that we can transform. Things we never wear can become something new.

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