Ooh la la!

One pair of French knickers finished, ready to wear, and three pairs just awaiting the elastic round the waist. Quite pleased with the result of cutting up and old café style curtain! They will all be complete tomorrow and hopefully some dresses at least cut out, if not sewn. I also have one bolero, of four, almost done, that I'm hoping will sit well with the ballet skirts which I'll make when the tulle arrives midweek. I would really like to get them all in the post before the end of November and the Christmas rush begins! I'm also aware that I haven't made mum's birthday card yet for the 25th. Busy busy......
It has definitely been a grim day outside. So much grey, lurching from rain to so much mist and fog I couldn't see across the valley. Then the wind increased and is set to continue into tomorrow. It does at least give me no inclination to be outside so I can sew not thinking I should be doing something more productive in the garden.
Homemade pizzas for dinner, a phone call to mum ad a trip out into the garden with Reg in the dark and I finally got to sit down about 8pm. I watched Strictly, having recorded it so that I can cut out all the unnecessary chitchat, I watch it for the dancing and wish there was more of that and less of the talking. 
A day which didn't seem to have enough hours to fit in everything I wanted to do, but tomorrow there will be another one coming along!

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