Life In Wales

By KarenC

Friston Forest Abstract

Lockdown 2, Day 10

We wanted to go out for a walk today, somewhere that we could park up Bertie Bus so we could sit and enjoy lunch afterwards.  The forecast was for a wet and windy day, so we decided to head to the forest as at least we would have shelter if it rained, and also it was less windy than being at the coast.

The nice thing about Friston Forest is that it’s just across the road from Cuckmere Haven, which is one of my favourite places.  So before heading into the forest we went for a walk along the river.  It really was very windy though, so we didn’t go far before turning round.  One thing that amazed me was the amount of people in groups.  Considering we’re only ‘allowed’ to meet with one other person during this lockdown, people really don’t seem to be taking any notice.  We saw plenty of 4’s which were obviously two couples together, and one group of 7!  The group of 7 looked like students, and maybe they live together, but even so!

Anyway we headed off into the peace of the forest and had a lovely walk.  The autumn colours were beautiful, the rain held off and it was very sheltered.  The down side was that I wore my new waterproof walking trousers which are fleecy lined and ended up being too hot as it was actually quite mild!

I tried something new in the forest, zooming in while taking the photo to get this burst - I really like the effect and enjoyed playing around with it, and this tree reminds me of a Christmas tree with its lights on :-)

When we got back to Bertie, we warmed up the pumpkin soup that I made yesterday and sat with the door open, looking out into the forest while we had lunch.  We set off for home about 3pm and it started raining just as we got back, so we did well and really had the best of the day.

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