
By su

Gamarra, a paradise for textile-lovers

Gamarra is over 34 blocks wide and have over 18'000 different stores selling textiles. It's a car-free zone. Some of the houses are three-storied and everywhere are little shops.

In high season there are visiting over 600 thousand people daily, in low season about 150 thousand. 1,2 billion $ per year are the commercial transactions. From Gamarra the export goes to Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, United States, and also countries in Europe. 100 thousand jobs and 25 thousand entrepreneurs make Gamaara to an important place for the worlds textile trade.

See also on "Agencia peruana de noticias" and search for "Gamarra". There is a really interesting article with the title "Gamarra: textile emporium opened to the world".

I'm sorry but I couldn't make a direct link.

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