
Life in my front room.

Otters are my favourite animal (after watching a ring of bright water as a child) and Sims Natalie’s mum (got that? :-D) made me two lovely cushions and this heart for my birthday back in October.

The lovely stool is another heirloom form G Auntie B that we decided to keep. We don’t know it’s history but the seat and back are both engraved with an owl and I love it.

I popped to Asda earlier to get mum and dad an anniversary card for Tuesday and a couple of other bits. A most horrendous experience of too many people not social distancing, no face masks or badly worn ones and what happened to only one family member going into the shop?? The supermarket is on our doorstep but since the first lockdown I’ve avoided going there because of this. We do click and collect which is a godsend, get our fruit and veg from Oddbox and do our meat orders through our friend. 

Well that’s the weekend over again and very little achieved during it. Hope yours was a good one.

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