Happy 2nd Gotcha day Jack

This little chap came into our lives two years ago. Bought with money from a bond left to me by my dear Dad. He always loved my first horse who was also called Jack. So it seemed like he was meant to be.

I didn't think one more would make that much difference but how wrong I was! Being a greedy little pony who can live on fresh air, we've struggled with his weight and fought off laminitis so far by very careful management which makes him very high maintenance indeed! So it feels like he's totally taken over the household and that our whole lives revolve around him! We all love him so much though so we don't mind (maybe Mr EG does a tiny bit!)

Anyway he absolutely loved sampling his pic n mix horse treats and wolfed down his piece of 'stud muffin' cake. Never seen his bowl so clean. He licked it out then went back to it three times just to check it really was empty! He doesn't know it but he gave a slice to Buddy and Lime and his friends Legs and Jasper!

We had a lovely hack this afternoon in the woods only marred slightly by some idiots who let their dog run up behind Jack and snap at his heels. He shot forward and it upset Toby a bit - luckily he was on the lead rein so no real harm done but I do wish people would be more thoughtful especially when they choose to walk along the horse tracks instead of on the very many dog tracks in the woods. And especially when it's kids riding.

I rode Buddy this morning. He was really strong. And I had his strong bit in!

We are waiting to hear if school can reopen tomorrow. It depends if the children of the couple who tested positive have also had positive tests as they thought it was ok to send their kids in for all of last week whilst they waited for the results!! Everyone is fuming about it. Understandably.

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