A Brief Rundown

Walked round the castle to church, and then back again after a great lunch at the Pátio with André and Zwannie; we decided to have a last meal together before their weekend lockdowns start, and both Tiago's places have closed for two weeks - Reguengos has now been added to the list of high risk areas, which means curfew after 13h at weekends, and after 11pm during the week. 

- that Mourão still has no cases (we had one false alarm)
- a cigano friend called Miguel wanting our olives (turns out Zé is only interested in doing the pruning)
- being able to watch our home church's 6:30 Livestream, which our oldest, Deb, was co-hosting - especially as our internet keeps randomly disappearing these days

The Body, ch 17 - Into the Nether Regions, p331
Male ignorance of female anatomy is quite arresting, it appears, particularly when you consider how keen they are to get to know it in other respects. A survey of a thousand men, conducted in conjunction with a campaign called Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, found that a majority could not reliably define or identify most of a female's private parts... Half could not even find the vagina on a diagram. So perhaps a brief rundown is in order here... buy the book for the rundown!

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