Rain and Sun

It was supposed to rain today, but we woke to partial sun, so got some errands done and went on our customary Sunday morning walk in the Arboretum. It was very wet, since we had more than an inch of rain yesterday. But it smelled lovely and foresty. It was foggy there, with the sun just shining through. 

More errands afterwards and then home. I had planned to start planting my fall bulbs, but it showered on and off all afternoon. During one of the breaks in the weather I went out to our front yard where I had spotted some Amanita species growing. I was surprised to find probably a dozen, some still below the surface. I was also surprised to see that some creature had been neatly chewing away on the caps of several of them - you can even see the teeth marks (and a fly). So of course had to research and it turns out that squirrels have "an interesting adaptation that allows them to eat poisonous mushrooms". (Read more here if you're so inclined.) So that's my guess. 

I don't know which species of Amanita these are - there were others that were more amber and didn't have as many white flecks, but I'm guessing they're all in the same genus. See extra. 

Apparently this genus has 600 species, many of which are the most toxic fungi found worldwide, yet also contains some edible species. Wikipedia says the this genus is responsible for 95% of mushroom poisoning fatalities. I can guarantee you that these won't be finding their way to the dinner table! 

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