
By momcat1

OHH- Did you see what I saw???

Evening grosbeaks at the feeder! 
Ok. that really isn't what he was doing - it was more like "which pile of sunflower seeds do I eat first?".But I certainly got all excited when there was not one but 4 evening grosbeaks in the trees. They seem to spook at the sound of a door opening , so my best photo ( heavily cropped and lightened up because it was so dark today) is in extras. Looks like it is an irruption year for grosbeaks and pine siskins. It  may also be for  crossbills - something I have never seen as they are denizens of hemlock and pine forests of the north. According to the Cornell Lab's magazine they come south when there is not enough of their preferred food in the north. For grosbeaks and siskins it is seeds and cone seeds, for the crossbills pine cone seeds and hemlock seeds. So look out PA you may see some crossbills this year , because I know you have hemlocks galore.

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