
As part of her birthday present, Bella's great Aunty Liz sent her a recipe for no cook playdough.
I have been promising Bella all week that we would make some today.
Just as I was about to mix it all together I realised that the key ingredient, cream of tartar, was missing.... Doh!
So we had to wait until after lunch and a nap to go to Asba (as Bella so appropriatley calls it) to fetch some.
It was worth it. The stuff is brilliant.
Here is the recipe for anyone who wants a shot at it.

No cook playdough

1 cup salt
2 cups flour
2 tblsp cream of tartar
2 tblsp baby oil
2 cup boiling water
2 tsp almond or vanilla essence or essential oils
5 different food colouring colours

-Mix dry ingredients together
-Add water and oil and essence
-Mix hard until smooth
-Divide into 5 equal pieces and knead in food colouring
you need quite a lot to get intense colours and need to keep at it for a while to get an
even colour.*
Store in old play dough tubs, ziploc bags or any airtight container.
-Have fun folks

*you can add glitter of anything else you fancy at this stage too.

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