
By AnnieBScotland

snowflake macro

according to the fount of all gardening knowledge, my neighbour Margaret, this is not a snowdrop but a snowflake, or Leucojum. so that's me set right! out enjoying the sunshine doing a bit of tidying up and moving a fat ball feeder, as I seem to be feeding all the crows in the street and the wee birds don't get a look in. I know crows have to eat but I do object to them taking over.

Felt the urge to get out the camera and macro lens and took a few OK shots here of various buds and hairy things and quite a lot of these pretty flowers, which involved lying full length on the grass to get the stamens in. you'll be glad to know that no snowflake flower was harmed in the taking of this shot!

I will get back outside now. hope the sun is shining where you are.

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