
By Charlie17

I like lists!

According to The Independent, these are the ten business phrases most likely to make you scream

1) Touch base offline (let's meet and talk)
2) Blue-sky thinking (creative ideas free from practical constraints)
3) Punch a puppy (do something detestable but good for the business)
4) Thought shower (to come up with several ideas)
5) Thinking outside the box (thinking creatively and innovatively)
6) It's on my radar (I'm aware of it)
7) Close of play (the end of the day)
8) Singing from the same hymn sheet (all in agreement)
9) Peel the onion (to examine a problem in detail)
10) To wash its own face (to justify or pay for itself)

The sky really was that blue this morning when the geese flew over.

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